Thursday, March 29, 2012

A squirrel's paradise

We just realized we've had these pictures on our computer since October! These photos were taken on the same film roll as the pumpkin soup photos we showed you in January.
Cecilia went outside, in the country all around her family house, looking for some good hazelnut with the idea of making some bread, or a cake. She never cooked anything... but she made an enormous stock lasting all winter long.

Finding them was fun and easy.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


This gorgeous cookies are a little anticipation of a "green menu" we created for The World Through Green Eyes, a web megazine and a blogzine talking about nature, photography and hot girls in the wood. We can garantee for the first two and maybe for the third with some make-up.
Anyway, we are happy because it's supposed to be 20° degrees outside, we can't believe it's true, this winter seemed to be endless. It's finally time to shoot photos outside!

We all are waiting the release of the new TWTGE number (in the meantime, there's another one of these choco guys left in the fridge...)
We seriously loved the menu we cooked, can't wait to show you all the pictures.
Have a good day!